Lexus LED for Stadium
Visual Identity | Storyboard
Creative Director : Jason Stinsmuehlen
Designer: Joo Park
Producer: Sarah Smith
Each year, LED boards are produced for 3 campaigns to run in stadiums across LDA experiential media campaigns. Six different specs are developed as master sizes, which are used to produce ~135 resizes. LEDs are currently developed from scratch per campaign by various creative teams, creating a lack of uniformity and structure that has become a pain point for the process. Therefore, TeamOne decided to create a style guide/template for stadium LEDs for creative and production efficiency moving forward, i.e. create consistency in the creative look/feel, production cost, and timing.
The creative team strategically employed diverse LED panel sizes to provide viewers with a swift and engaging overview of various vehicles. Emphasizing the importance of quick recognition, especially on wide, thin, horizontal panels, we conceptualized a vibrant light trail representing the vehicles. Employing distinct color palettes for each launched vehicle enhanced visual appeal. The dynamic light trail effectively conveyed the speed of Lexus vehicles, complemented by typography motion to further capture the dynamic essence of the brand.
TX LAUNCH LED In different sizes︎︎︎
PROCESS | Vehicle Launch Storyboard︎︎︎

PROCESS | December to Remember Storyboard︎︎︎