

Joo is a designer with a passion for crafting brand identity systems and bringing them to life through animation. She thrives on exploring the unknown and is eager to embrace new adventures in her creative journey.



Branding | Motion 

Graphis New Talent Anual 2023 Silver
Indigo Design Award Gold

The Museum SAN(SPACE,ART, and NATURE) is a museum that is located in Oak Valley, in the mountains of Wonju, South Korea. It was designed by Japanese architect Tadao Ando and is under the administration of the Hansol Cultural Foundation. Tadao Ando tried to express gratitude for the architecture and its beautiful natural environment. The Museum SAN is a place where art and architecture harmonize with natural surroundings, featuring a welcome center, flower garden, water garden, meditation hall, stone garden, main building, and James Turrell exhibition hall and focuses on the interaction of art and nature. With the slogan “disconnect to connect”, the museum provides a unique experience through art and nature to the visitors. 

The rebranding of MSAN The typeface, logo, poster, and website are all designed with the idea of maintaining simplicity, negative space, and modernity. Dots, lines and grids were used to create a consistent identity system throughout the project. All the custom typefaces, and graphic elements are inspired by Tadao Ando’s signature material, which is the exposed concrete panel.

Logo ︎︎︎

Logo Animation︎︎︎


Collaterals ︎︎︎

Posters ︎︎︎

Web & Social Media ︎︎︎

Spatial ︎︎︎

©Joo Park